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Deactivated FN 1900 Pistol SN. 2812 ^

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Deactivated FN 1900 7.65mm Pistol in good overall deactivated condition. The safety is a little loose, hence price. The 1900 Browning pistol was one of the first production semi automatic pistols to be a success. Fabrique National only made them for 11 years but produced over 700,000 of them. They were being carried and used well into the 1960s. The British SOE liked them and even modified some to take sound suppressors. The design was well suited to this as the barrel is very low in the slide and the adding of a suppressor does not affect the sights. The People’s Republic of China obviously thought the same thing and copied the design outright, with an extended barrel and a suppressor of their own design. All deactivated weapons sold by D and B Militaria are deactivated in the United Kingdom and hold London or Birmingham proof marks and a certificate stating that the weapon has been deactivated correctly.

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