01342 837 766 or 07782 188 138

Call us: 01342 837 766 or 07782 188138


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How to go about setting up a deposit with us

We are happy to take deposits for items over £200 in value.

Generally, we would require that the initial deposit be no less than one-third of the price and rounded up to the nearest hundred.

Payments thereafter should be no less than a quarter of the price per month per month.

You may only have one item on layaway at one time.

If, for any reason, you cannot pay the remainder of the outstanding amount we reserve the right to keep all monies previously paid.

For example: If an item costs £500, then one-third is £170. Round this up to £200, then three more monthly payments of £100 each.

Please note; Special offer voucher codes or agreed discounts may not apply to items on deposit or part exchange.

If in doubt, then please call us for more info.