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Obsolete Calibre Peabody Rifle

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Obsolete Calibre Swiss M1867 10.4mm Rimfire Peabody Rifle in excellent, original condition, with correct leather sling. The Peabody rifle was made in the USA and production started in 1866. It was a rugged design and sold to several nations, including Canada, Spain, France and Mexico. The Swiss version was in service from 1867 until 1889 and like all Peabody’s, were very accurate. The Peabody heavily influenced the Martini Rifle action, adopted by the British and some would argue that all the Martini is, is an internal hammer Peabody. A rare gun to find in this condition. Obsolete Calibre Antique, no licence required.
Obsolete Calibre Swiss M1867 10.4mm Rimfire Peabody Rifle in excellent, original condition, with correct leather sling. The Peabody rifle was made in the USA and production started in 1866. It was a rugged design and sold to several nations, including Canada, Spain, France and Mexico. The Swiss version was in service from 1867 until 1889 and like all Peabody’s, were very accurate. The Peabody heavily influenced the Martini Rifle action, adopted by the British and some would argue that all the Martini is, is an internal hammer Peabody. A rare gun to find in this condition. Obsolete Calibre Antique, no licence required.
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