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Obsolete Calibre Martini Henry Rifle SN. 1888 (MZ)^

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Obsolete Calibre British .577 Martini Henry MKII Rifle in good condition, with full working action and very good bore. Sussex Regiment stamped, BSA 1888 dated military production, with Queens Crown and profusely British stamped. Sold to the Nepalese in 1908. The Martini Enfield first entered service with the British Empire in 1871 and remained in use with some colonial troops until the early 1920s. The large calibre .577 bullet could cause terrible injury at ranges out to 1200 metres and by all accounts the Martini could shoot accurately out to close to these ranges. They are still in use in some of the more arcane parts of the world and have even been recovered in Taliban weapon caches in Afghanistan recently. Obsolete calibre, no licence required.


Item on Militaria Zone.

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