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Inert Baker Rifle

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Inert Replica Baker Rifle in excellent condition, with full working action. The British Baker Rifle, or Pattern 1800 Infantry Rifle, to give it it’s official title, was introduced to the British Rifles Corps in 1800. It was designed by Ezekiel Baker, of London, who was a master gunsmith, and fired a .625 greased ball up to (officially) accurate ranges of 200 yards and could be fired twice a minute by a trained rifleman. In fact, a `Chosen Man’ was expected to be able to fire at least 3 aimed shots a minute and the longest reported kill with the Baker Rifle was 600 yards when a British Rifleman shot and killed a French General and then his Adjutant with the next shot! It remained in service with the British armed forces until at least 1844 and due to the famous Sharpe’s series of books and films, has become a classic. Inert replica, no license required.
Inert Replica Baker Rifle in excellent condition, with full working action. The British Baker Rifle, or Pattern 1800 Infantry Rifle, to give it it’s official title, was introduced to the British Rifles Corps in 1800. It was designed by Ezekiel Baker, of London, who was a master gunsmith, and fired a .625 greased ball up to (officially) accurate ranges of 200 yards and could be fired twice a minute by a trained rifleman. In fact, a `Chosen Man’ was expected to be able to fire at least 3 aimed shots a minute and the longest reported kill with the Baker Rifle was 600 yards when a British Rifleman shot and killed a French General and then his Adjutant with the next shot! It remained in service with the British armed forces until at least 1844 and due to the famous Sharpe’s series of books and films, has become a classic. Inert replica, no license required.
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