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GT14 XD4 Night Vision Sight (74) (A3/A) ^

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GT14 XD4 Night Vision Monocular complete with Picatinny Quick Release Weapon Mount and nylon belt pouch. This example is the law enforcement issue XD4 version, and not to be confused with cheap civillian copies. The reticule is very clear and crisp, with excellent fine focus clarity, and the infra-red works fine for use with your IR lasers and torches. Ex UK Police issue (G36C) and only very lightly used. Full working condition and tested. The GT-14 is the law enforcement version of the US Military PVS-14 scope. The PVS-14 are in use with NATO units world wide, and can be used as a monocular, head mounted standalone system, or mounted on weapons, normally behind an Aim Point, or Eotech. They are rugged and very lightweight, and are still in use all over the world.

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