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Deactivated Walker Colt Pistol

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Deactivated Walker Colt .44 Calibre Pistol. Italian replica in excellent deactivated condition and complete with velvet lined wooden case, powder flask and bullet mold. The Colt Walker was the largest and most powerful black revolver ever made. It was designed in the mid-1840s in collaboration between Captain Samuel Hamilton Walker and inventor Samuel. Walker wanted a handgun that was extremely powerful at close range against native Americans and bandits. A massive, beautifully finished weapon. All deactivated weapons sold by D and B Militaria are deactivated in the United Kingdom and hold London or Birmingham proof marks and a certificate stating that the weapon has been deactivated correctly and is legal within the U.K.
Deactivated Walker Colt .44 Calibre Pistol. Italian replica in excellent deactivated condition and complete with velvet lined wooden case, powder flask and bullet mold. The Colt Walker was the largest and most powerful black revolver ever made. It was designed in the mid-1840s in collaboration between Captain Samuel Hamilton Walker and inventor Samuel. Walker wanted a handgun that was extremely powerful at close range against native Americans and bandits. A massive, beautifully finished weapon. All deactivated weapons sold by D and B Militaria are deactivated in the United Kingdom and hold London or Birmingham proof marks and a certificate stating that the weapon has been deactivated correctly and is legal within the U.K.
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