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Deactivated Suppressed Steyr M9 Pistol

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Deactivated Suppressed Steyr M9 9mm Pistol. Excellent condition, with extended threaded barrel and  steel suppressor.  Cased, with spare magazine, stripping tools, and manual. The Steyr M9 Pistol was introduced in 1999 and is a direct competitor to the Glock pistol range. The M9A1 is the latest version, with better combat sights and a universal rail for the attachment of torches and lasers. Unlike the Glock, it does have a mechanical safety, as well as the trigger safety lever. It is designed to sit low in the hand and therefore has less muzzle flip. The grip is also easier to get ones hand around and has a very natural pointing angle. Like all Steyr products the quality is excellent, and they have been adopted by police forces worldwide and also by the Pakistani army. All deactivated weapons sold by D and B Militaria are deactivated in the United Kingdom and hold London or Birmingham proof marks and a certificate stating that the weapon has been deactivated correctly.

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