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Deactivated Suppressed Beretta 92S Pistol

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Deactivated suppressed Beretta 92S 9mm Pistol in very good deactivated condition and complete with extended threaded barrel and steel suppressor. The Beretta Model 92S was first introduced in 1976 and was quickly adopted by over thirty countries military and police forces. The 92S differed from the earlier Model 92 in that it had a de-cocking lever/ safety on the slide, which were preferred by most police units. The 92S was a very reliable, very accurate gun and they were made to the old Beretta standards. They can still be found all over the world in hotspots and will be around for years to come. All deactivated weapons sold by D and B Militaria are deactivated in the United Kingdom and hold a London or Birmingham proof marks and a certificate stating that the weapon has been deactivated correctly.

HIDDEN FOR: Darren Witca 66 WAINWRIGHT AVENUE Hutton Wainwright Avenue Brentwood, Essex, CM13 2SX United Kingdom T: 07774128994
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