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Deactivated Ruger Mini 14 Rifle SN. 8047 ^

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Deactivated Ruger Mini 14 5.56mm Carbine in excellent deactivated condition. Complete with Archangel Tactical Chassis Stock and replica red dot ACOG scope. Latest EU Spec, so full moving parts but non firing action. The Ruger Mini 14 first appeared in 1973 and production is still going strong. They are basically a 5.56mm Garand or M14, and as such are very reliable and tough rifles. They have been likened to a `Modern Day Winchester’, because their use is so widespread in the USA. Everybody from farmers and forest rangers to sportsmen and law enforcement have them in their armouries. They are also military issue in over ten countries and were used by the RUC in Northern Ireland, as they looked less aggressive than conventional, modern assault rifles. All deactivated weapons sold by D and B Militaria are deactivated in the United Kingdom and hold London or Birmingham proof marks and a certificate stating that the weapon has been deactivated correctly.

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