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Deactivated Rheinmetall Sommerda Pistol

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Deactivated Rare Rheinmetall Sommerda 7.65mm Pistol in very good deactivated condition. The Rheinmetall Sommerda was one of a group of pistols produced in the 1920s in Germany. It was a high quality item made from good quality materials, but like a lot of these type of weapons made by smaller factories, they could not compete with the larger firms and eventually went bust despite the fact that their products were very good. A rare find with matching numbers. All deactivated weapons sold by D and B Militaria are deactivated in the United Kingdom and hold London or Birmingham proof marks and a certificate stating that the weapon has been deactivated correctly and is legal within the U.K.
Deactivated Rare Rheinmetall Sommerda 7.65mm Pistol in very good deactivated condition. The Rheinmetall Sommerda was one of a group of pistols produced in the 1920s in Germany. It was a high quality item made from good quality materials, but like a lot of these type of weapons made by smaller factories, they could not compete with the larger firms and eventually went bust despite the fact that their products were very good. A rare find with matching numbers. All deactivated weapons sold by D and B Militaria are deactivated in the United Kingdom and hold London or Birmingham proof marks and a certificate stating that the weapon has been deactivated correctly and is legal within the U.K.
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