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Deactivated Pieper 1908 Pistol Steyr

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Deactivated Steyr Pieper 1908 .25 ACP Pistol in good, original deactivated condition, with rare leather holster. The Steyr Pieper 1908 Pistol was introduced in 1908 and manufactured until 1939. It was an unusual and interesting design in that it was originally intended to fire in single shot, with the magazine in reserve. The magazine has two positions; the first locks it into the grip but too low for a round to be stripped from the lips. The second position is fully seated and allows semi-automatic fire. The barrel also hinges down to enable loading directly into the breach. An interesting and very well made design. All deactivated weapons sold by D and B Militaria are deactivated in the United Kingdom and hold London or Birmingham proof marks and a certificate stating that the weapon has been deactivated correctly and is legal within the U.K.
Deactivated Steyr Pieper 1908 .25 ACP Pistol in good, original deactivated condition, with rare leather holster. The Steyr Pieper 1908 Pistol was introduced in 1908 and manufactured until 1939. It was an unusual and interesting design in that it was originally intended to fire in single shot, with the magazine in reserve. The magazine has two positions; the first locks it into the grip but too low for a round to be stripped from the lips. The second position is fully seated and allows semi-automatic fire. The barrel also hinges down to enable loading directly into the breach. An interesting and very well made design. All deactivated weapons sold by D and B Militaria are deactivated in the United Kingdom and hold London or Birmingham proof marks and a certificate stating that the weapon has been deactivated correctly and is legal within the U.K.
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