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Deactivated Peters Stahl 1911 Long Slide Pistol

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Deactivated Peters Stahl 1911A1 9mm Para Long Slide Pistol, in excellent deactivated condition. The Peters Stahl 1911 family of pistols are among the finest 1911s money can buy. They started manufacturing their range of custom guns in the mid-1980s and are still around today. Apart from excellent build quality, the main difference from ordinary 1911s is that the Peters Stahl guns all use a Sig type lock up, where the breach locks directly into the ejection port. Basically this means that you are combining the two most reliable and accurate major calibre semi-automatic pistol formats
Deactivated Peters Stahl 1911A1 9mm Para Long Slide Pistol, in excellent deactivated condition. The Peters Stahl 1911 family of pistols are among the finest 1911s money can buy. They started manufacturing their range of custom guns in the mid-1980s and are still around today. Apart from excellent build quality, the main difference from ordinary 1911s is that the Peters Stahl guns all use a Sig type lock up, where the breach locks directly into the ejection port. Basically this means that you are combining the two most reliable and accurate major calibre semi-automatic pistol formats
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