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Deactivated Old Spec ZK-383 SMG

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Deactivated Old Spec Czech ZK-383 9mm Sub Machine Gun in excellent deactivated condition and complete with bolt weight, which is often missing. The ZK-383 was introduced in 1938 and was produced right through the war and on until 1966, when production finally stopped. The wartime guns were almost exclusively issued to the SS and after the war they were bought by several South American nations, as well as Bulgaria. The ZK-383 was a very high quality design that had several `deluxe’ features such as a quick release barrel, bipod and the ability to choose the rate of fire in the automatic mode. They were extremely reliable and accurate and are still occasionally seen in use in the Balkans region. All deactivated weapons sold by D and B Militaria are deactivated in the United Kingdom and hold London or Birmingham proof marks and a certificate stating that the weapon has been deactivated correctly and is legal within the U.K.
Deactivated Old Spec Czech ZK-383 9mm Sub Machine Gun in excellent deactivated condition and complete with bolt weight, which is often missing. The ZK-383 was introduced in 1938 and was produced right through the war and on until 1966, when production finally stopped. The wartime guns were almost exclusively issued to the SS and after the war they were bought by several South American nations, as well as Bulgaria. The ZK-383 was a very high quality design that had several `deluxe’ features such as a quick release barrel, bipod and the ability to choose the rate of fire in the automatic mode. They were extremely reliable and accurate and are still occasionally seen in use in the Balkans region. All deactivated weapons sold by D and B Militaria are deactivated in the United Kingdom and hold London or Birmingham proof marks and a certificate stating that the weapon has been deactivated correctly and is legal within the U.K.
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