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Deactivated Old Spec WW2 M2 Carbine SN. 8159 ^

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Non EU sales Only. Can be redeactivated to EU/ UK spec. Deactivated Old Spec Rare WW2 Dated M2 .30 Cal Carbine. Receiver correctly factory stamped `U.S. Carbine Cal. 30 M2’, and May, 1945 production in very good condition (Barrel stamped with date and correct serial number range). This was only the second month of M2 production. The M2 Carbine was first issued to US troops in April of 1945, both in Europe and in the Pacific theatre. They did see limited action but were used much more in Korea. Everyone talks about its lack of stopping power. Let’s be clear; the .30 carbine round has the same stopping power as a 357 magnum. It is more powerful than a 45 ACP, but people tend to overlook this. It also has much greater range, and they were quite accurate. Nevertheless, it is one of the all-time classics from WWII and they were still being issued to LRRP teams and Special Forces in Vietnam. All deactivated weapons sold by D and B Militaria are deactivated in the United Kingdom and hold London or Birmingham proof marks and a certificate stating that the weapon has been deactivated correctly. Can be redeactivated to EU/ UK spec.

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