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Deactivated Old Spec Nagant Revolver Set SN. 6800 ^

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EU sales Only. Can be redeactivated to EU/ UK spec. Deactivated Rare Old Spec Nagant 7.62mm Revolver. Pre Revolutionary, Tsarist production, and in good original deactivated condition with holster, cleaning rod, and lanyard. The Nagant M1895 revolver was used extensively by the Russian Imperial Army and later by the Soviet Union after the Russian Revolution. It was known for its extreme sturdiness and ability to withstand abuse. As one former Imperial Russian officer stated, `If anything went wrong with the M1895, you could fix it with a hammer’. It was widely employed by the Bolshevik secret police, the Cheka, as well as its Soviet successor agencies, the OGPU and NKVD. Despite the advent of the more modern Soviet TT pistol, the M1895 remained in production and use throughout World War II. All deactivated weapons sold by D and B Militaria are deactivated in the United Kingdom and hold London or Birmingham proof marks and a certificate stating that the weapon has been deactivated correctly. Can be redeactivated to EU/ UK spec.

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