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Deactivated Mauser Model 1906 Rifle

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Deactivated Portuguese Mauser Model 1906 6.5mm Rifle, in very good deactivated condition. There is not much to say about the Mauser rifle that has not been said before. The Mauser action is the most widely copied bolt action type in the world. Almost all sporting rifles are based on the Mauser action. They are known for their strength, reliability and accuracy. The Mauser 98 served all over the world with distinction from the early 1930s until well into the modern era. They are still used today by target shooters. All deactivated weapons sold by D and B Militaria are deactivated in the United Kingdom and hold London or Birmingham proof marks and a certificate stating that the weapon has been deactivated correctly and is legal within the U.K.
Deactivated Portuguese Mauser Model 1906 6.5mm Rifle, in very good deactivated condition. There is not much to say about the Mauser rifle that has not been said before. The Mauser action is the most widely copied bolt action type in the world. Almost all sporting rifles are based on the Mauser action. They are known for their strength, reliability and accuracy. The Mauser 98 served all over the world with distinction from the early 1930s until well into the modern era. They are still used today by target shooters. All deactivated weapons sold by D and B Militaria are deactivated in the United Kingdom and hold London or Birmingham proof marks and a certificate stating that the weapon has been deactivated correctly and is legal within the U.K.
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