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Deactivated Thompson M1928A1 SMG SN. 2808 (MZ)^

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Deactivated Thompson M1928A1 SMG in excellent overall deactivated condition, with British WB stamp and moving trigger. The Thompson SMG was invented at the end of WWI. The Tommy gun was an instant success. Ironically, it was the prohibition gangsters who took it to heart and made it the weapon to own. The US military were slow to see its potential and it was actually the UK and France who made the first large orders. It was reliable, with great firepower, and despite its weight was well liked by the men issued with it. A classic design and formidable in trained hands, it is definitely one to own for the serious collector of military weapons. All deactivated weapons sold by D and B Militaria are deactivated in the United Kingdom and hold a London or Birmingham proof mark and certificate stating that the weapon has been deactivated correctly.


Item on Militaria Zone.

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