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Deactivated Full Matching M1921 Bolo Mauser SN. 2282 “

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Deactivated M1921 Bolo Mauser 7.63mm Pistol in very good deactivated condition, with full matching numbers, including mag plate and grips. Mauser began manufacturing the M1921 Bolo from 1921, until 1930. It featured smaller grips and a shorter 4 inch barrel, but was otherwise the same as its bigger brother. It was sold in large quantities to armies in eastern Europe and Russia. The Bolshevik government purchased large numbers of the M1921, and it became associated with the Bolsheviks and so became the Bolo. It was popular in the USA as well, as the shorter barrel and smaller overall size made the gun easier to conceal. All deactivated weapons sold by D and B Militaria are deactivated in the United Kingdom and hold London or Birmingham proof marks and a certificate stating that the weapon has been deactivated correctly.

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